David J. Collum

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Day 8: I love ice cream - I love my wife

John 3:1-21

Love: we long for it, chase after it, become confused by it. We seek the perfect computer software to find it. Can we describe it, though? I love ice cream. I love my wife. I love my dog. These aren’t the same, are they?

Staring across at me were two pairs of eyes. They were different: different colors, not to mention different backgrounds, educations, etc. Yet those two pairs of eyes had one thing in common – they were shining with love!

About to get married, they came for counsel and advice. One of my first questions was this:

I asked this of many couples. Most of the time folks responded, “Huh?” And so, I would explain: “Right now this person loves you, and you love them. It’s great! If you could make sure it was permanent, would you? Would you ‘adjust their brain’ so they would always love you? Would you turn the invisible ‘love adjustment knob’ to permanent?”

Would you?

I have had many answers. What is yours?

Most say “No.” Which leads me to the next question, “Why?”

The best answer I got was from a young woman, wise beyond her years: “Because when I am old, suffering from terrible illness, in the one brief lucid moment of my day, when I look up and see him, I will know he is there because he really loves me.”

Wow! There it is. Love. Real love chooses. Real love gives. Real love risks. Real love costs.

After some dramatic events in Chapter 2, Jesus is hanging out in Chapter 3 talking to Nicodemus. And these are not short discussions. If you engage Jesus with deep statements, expect deep answers.

This chapter contains so much that we could discuss… BUT in the middle of this chapter we read, “For God SO LOVED” ... who? The world ... EVERYONE.

For humans, to love is to risk.

The risk of giving something that may not be returned. To risk spending yourself for another, who may stingingly say, “No, I don’t love you.”

For humans, to love is to risk rejection.

We have all been rejected.

For God, it is worse.

He knows who will reject His love. And He still chooses to love.

You and I are three chapters into this story, a story about God come to earth. I believe it to be true.

You and I have just met Jesus. Yesterday his love for His Father flashed with passion.

Today we read that God loves you. Have you thought about how God loves you? Right now?

Maybe you have a “beef with God.” Something terrible in your life. Okay. But hang in here a bit and challenge yourself.

Is your picture of God one which begins and ends with a God who chooses to love, even when He knows you might reject Him?