David J. Collum

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Daniel 1:8-16

We come to the point where we see Daniel in action.

In the prior reflection, the point of Daniel resolving in his heart to not defile himself was made. Let’s just note again that Step One in any campaign to stand for God is our personal holiness.

God is always first interested in our spiritual condition, then what we might do for Him. 

In this section of Scripture we read how Daniel is sensitive in approaching those who are under pressure to conform to their orders. The text says, “He asked…” He did not demand. The text says, “Therefore he asked the chief…” 

The sense is one of him being sensitive to the chief eunuch. We see further evidence of this sensitivity in verse 10 where the chief shares that he is scared of the king. The nature of this exchange speaks volumes to their relationship.

If we hope to have any chance to share Jesus with people, we need to be sensitive to their own situations.

Yet it does not stop there. Daniel is respectful. He understands that in his situation, he is in fact under the authority of Ashpenaz. Consider, Daniel does not agree with their point-of-view. Further, Daniel could assert that he will only serve his God. In fact, Daniel could make a long list of reasons to justify why he might ignore those in authority over him. But he does not.

Daniel respects those in authority over him.

If we hope to have any chance to share Jesus with people, we need to not come across as people who have disdain for those in authority.

Finally, Daniel is confident in God! This point is huge. Daniel is not cowering to Babylon. Yes, he is sensitive to the people in his life. Yes, he is respectful of the authority structure. But, he understands that his hope, his confidence is in God. 

I would again note that his confidence does not lead to arrogance. 

Today this behavior is normative for many Christians across the world today. I have good friends in China, India, and other places where followers of Jesus are openly persecuted. Yet they continue. Not angry. Not militant. Simple humble, sensitive, respective people who are confident in God.

I am asking myself, “How is my witness? What does it look like? Am I sensitive and respectful? Am I confident in God?”

How about you?