David J. Collum

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Daniel 8:1 – 14

Can you feel the momentum building? Momentum builds when something is moving in a direction, and energy is added in the same direction.

More visions and dreams; more animals to understand—momentum.

Momentum matters in your life.

Consider today’s text. In a mere eight verses we are provided a fast-paced pictorial summary of great empires that spanned over 400 years. The text presents this summary with a speed comparable to that which Alexander the Great conquered the world from Greece to India, and then died at age 32.

The text seems to communicate we are barreling towards something.

In a way, these eight verses of God’s Word remind us that we, humanity, are a mere breath. Kingdom after kingdom after kingdom, each spanning centuries, all headed the same direction. What is that direction? We are all, all of humanity, headed towards a day of judgment with God. The momentum is building.

Our time on earth, at an individual level, and a corporate/kingdom level, is meant for each of to answer one question. Will we return to God the love He has shown us? Will we love God? Will we as individuals and as kingdoms serve God, or ourselves?

In verses nine through twelve we see one extreme answer. We read how Alexander’s kingdom divided into four kingdoms and we read more detail about one of those “horns”.

What is disturbing is the success this “horn” had. Consider the text states:

·      10 It grew until it reached the host of the heavens, and 

·      it threw some of the starry host down to the earth and trampled on them.

·       11 It set itself up to be as great as the commander of the army of the Lord; 

·      it took away the daily sacrifice from the Lord, and his sanctuary was thrown down.

·      12 Because of rebellion, the Lord’s people and the daily sacrifice were given over to it. 

·      It prospered in everything it did, and truth was thrown to the ground.

Tomorrow we will look at the real-world kingdom this text speaks of, but before we do, what do you read in the text?

I read that this king utterly rejects God and actively seeks to remove all physical displays of devotion to God. Even more, this king “threw the starry host down”. He killed people for worshipping God. 

The verse, “…and truth was thrown to the ground…” has this ominous feel to it.

Yet we must read on.

In verses thirteen through fourteen we read that this discretion has a limit, and “then the sanctuary will be cleansed”.

Where you and I live in the world, and when you and I live in the world, is not up to us. We may be living in time when people, including rulers, obey God and the result is a good and prospering society. We may live in time quite the opposite. 

The reality, by my way of thinking, is that every day is day we must choose. 

Daily choices move us either towards or away from God. 

Daily successive choices add up, momentum is built, and people, churches, societies, and yes kingdoms—move one direction or the other.

Do not lose heart—the sanctuary will be cleansed—God’s momentum is moving us to the day all will be put right.

Which way are you moving today? Which direction is the momentum in your life?