Day 11: Persistence (Luke 2:36–38)

Today’s Passage: Luke 2:36–38

Pause to reflect.png

Anna is remarkable. Stop and think about how Scripture describes her. She never left the temple. She was devoted to prayer and fasting and worship. I am trying to picture her. Was she quiet? Did she keep to herself? Or, was she front and center, greeting all who entered?

But then I see my answer. It is in the text: she began to give thanks to God and to speak of him to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.

She spoke to ALL. Wow! Anna is not the shy, retiring type.

She was tuned in. Her constant focus was God. Praying to God. Worshiping God. Seeking to be in the presence of God.

Now, she is physically in God’s presence.

The result? Praise, thanks, and exclamation.

When I think of persistence, I often get an image of slogging through a dreary set of disciplines. Yet that is not the picture Luke paints of Anna’s persistence.

Her devotion is joy. I find myself asking, what would it take for me to be that “tuned in”?