Day 14- Another Voice- The Voice (Luke 3:15-22)

Today’s Passage: Luke 3:15-22

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Many have asked, “Why did Jesus have to be baptized?”

Many a theologian has given voice to answer this question. Here is mine. Jesus, as a person, fills many roles. One of them is as the new Adam. He will show us through his life, that a person, fully united with the Father, lives his life appropriately. Part of that is following God’s Word—including baptism.

Yet rereading this snippet of Scripture reveals that his baptism is only briefly stated as a factual event. What jumps out to me is the voice of God!

In reflection, has not God’s voice been everywhere? He has been speaking through angels, a mute priest, a young girl, her aunt, shepherds, prophets, and even an unborn child who speaks for God by leaping in his mother’s womb. God’s voice has been everywhere.

What has this voice been saying? It has been announcing that the long wait is over. People are certain of it. Luke’s theme of certainty is witnessed by the lives of the people we have encountered. We are reading not only about Luke’s certainty, but also the certainty of God’s people. After centuries, we see the fruits of lives that live in God’s certainty: faith (waiting), obedience when there is risk (who/what do you Trust)—and the fruit of these traits—joy and being in God’s presence—and hope (looking forward).

The certainty for these lives, and ours, is found in God and his Word—not in humankind. I am asking myself if I am living with the certainty of Scripture.