David J. Collum

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Matthew 14:14 - 32

The lens that I have been looking through as we read Matthew together is Family. I have tried not to overdo it and I have tried not to force reading through that lens.

The last two posts, about how Jesus offends people and our response, and this post could be viewed through the lens of family.

Consider, we all have family members that might at times embarrass us. Perhaps we are the embarrassing ones. Do you think Jesus’ earthly family ever wanted him to dial it back a bit? Do you think they ever felt pressure to say, “No, I am not related to him?”

Another dimension of family comes into view in these stories. Jesus is out amid the crowds. A close read shows that he is placing the disciples in positions where they find themselves needing some “family contact” with Jesus.

In the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus first tells them, “You give them something to eat”. They cannot. They need his help. Jesus’ miracle certainly points to him being God come to earth. God created the world from nothing. Jesus creates food from nothing. God fed the people with manna in the desert. Jesus fees the people. 

Yet there is a “slice” of this story where they cannot do what Jesus commands without him.

So too Peter walking on water. Jesus treads across the waves (see Job 9:8). They are not quite sure it is Jesus. Peter says, “Lord if it is you, tell me to come.” Jesus commands Peter to come. Yet again, he can only come with Jesus’ help. When he takes his focus off the Lord, when his contact with this family member is lost, he sinks.

A preacher I once heard noted that both the feeding and walking on water have same elements:

1.    There is a NEED

2.    Disciples admit they cannot do it by themselves

3.    Jesus and His Power is necessary, and He works through the disciples. 

In God’s family, he does not send us out as orphans. He sends us out with the idea that we will stay connected to Him. He sends us out for mission in and through Him. Jesus himself said that He could do nothing apart from the Father (John 5:19).

The problem I have is that I too often operate apart from Him. There is this fierce sense of independence in me which is not of God. I have a number of theories as to why I am this way. Regardless, the end result is the same. I, like Peter, sink.

How about you? Do you operate in and connected to the family? I know that can be a tough question because for some of us our relationship with family members is less than perfect. And, if you are in a family business the strain is even higher.

We need to redeem our view of family if we are to go deeply into God’s family. Do you operate in and connected to God? If not, why not? How might you speak to God about operating in a more connected way?