David J. Collum

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When We Have Authority

Matthew 23:1 - 12

I am writing this while I am attending a Church gathering. There must be 100 pastors here. 

We’ve gathered for worship, prayer, study, fellowship. There are the necessary business matters at hand. They, we, are trying to be godly people.

It all requires some organization. I know there must be this sort of structure, but in my bones (despite being a guy who spent 25 years in the corporate world and well knows that some sort of configuration is required for forward progress) I still struggle.

There comes a moment when the structure, the titles, and all of it really starts to push at me. Which was exactly the mental space I was in when I came to today’s text. 

We read, “for those who sit in Moses’ seat” – translation, “for those with authority” – “for those who are part of the structure”

Jesus says, “Do what these learned and smart guys say…just don’t behave like them” (my translation).

He goes on to say these folks:

·      Place heavy burdens on people – but are unwilling to work hard.

·      The work they do perform – they make sure everybody can see.

·      They normally do that work wearing fancy clothes.

·      They wear those clothes in “places of honor” so everyone can see them.

·      They have fancy titles.

Yesterday, at worship, I was “one of the folks up front”, wearing a robe, and yes, I have a fancy title.

Am I guilty of three of the five? 

As I wrestled with this text, I came to two key conclusions. First, I believe it is a matter of the heart. Specifically, “Am I seeking these positions, titles, clothes, and more?” Am I like James and John asking to sit at Jesus’ right and left? Or, do I wait to be invited?

Second, as I work, am I being served, or serving others?

Consider, Jesus has a many titles. Son of God, Son of Man, Christ…the list goes on. Yet none of us would accuse him of any of those five points above. Heaven has angels and archangels. 

There is structure. There are titles. Aimed at serving others and glorifying God.

If we pause and think about ourselves, we may have some level authority. What is yours? How do you live into it?