David J. Collum

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Proverbs 6

We are entering a pattern in Proverbs that will continue. Each chapter is less about just one subject, and instead, a collection of sayings about a variety of topics.

Consider chapter 6.

We read of not getting caught up over matters with your neighbor, and of not being lazy. There is the caution of those who “wink” at a deal. Then there are seven things that Lord views as an abomination. Finally, there is a return to the issue of sexual relations; it takes up over 40% of the chapter.

In many ways you will read of these themes, and more, over and over. The approach of Proverbs is to not simply give us advice around a topic just once. No, it will bring issues to our attention many times—will we hear?

Consider the topic of sexual relations outside of marriage. Did you and I hear and understand from what we read in chapter 5? If not, chapter 6 brings it to our attention again, shining light on yet more dimensions of the havoc that is wreaked. Consider how today is makes specific the realities that will take place if you commit adultery not merely with another person, but with another person’s spouse.

Yet I paused and pondered the seven things that are an abomination to God. Afterall, that seemed to rise to the top of that was written.

Sometimes when I want to process something. I re-write it. I tried re-writing this list of seven, starting with the part of our bodies that comments the offense.

1.    Eyes that are haughty (i.e. arrogantly superior)

2.    Tongues that lie 

3.    Hands that shed innocent blood

4.    Hearts the devise wicked plans

5.    Feet that make haste to run to evil

6.    Lungs that breathe out lies

7.    People who sow discord

The challenge when I read these seven is that I am guilty. Jesus in Matthew 5 takes many of these to level of our hearts.

The point about Proverbs is not to read Wisdom’s advice and say to ourselves, “Gee, it is good that I don’t do these things.” The point is to understand what we are striving for, and when we fall short, to repent and return to the Lord.

Said another way, “It is not ‘if’ we fall short, it is ‘when’ we fall short.

Consider verses 1 and 2. They both say “if” you or I have done what is described. Verse 3 offers the solution: “then” run and sort it out. In other words, be quick to repent, to turn about, and put things right. 

How do we put things right? We start by going to God.

What from you have read so far might you need to go to God over? I am reading those seven abominations again.