David J. Collum

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No One Ever Told Me...Okay, I will

Proverbs 8

“No one ever told me!”

Have you ever heard that excuse? 

Today we read that Wisdom: 

·      Calls to us

·      Raises her voice

·      Stands out in the road and at city gates and…


And this is not some random Bible verse. In the first chapter, verses 20 – 22 we read of Wisdom crying aloud in the street!

I found this to be a stunning image. In the past I thought of wisdom as some hidden treasure. It certainly is treasure, but hidden, the Bible says quite the opposite.

It would seem the key is whether or not we are looking for it—are we seeking self, or are we seeking God.

In chapter nine we will read how fear of the Lord, or being in awe of the Lord, is the beginning of wisdom (9:10). 

It sounds like Wisdom is “hiding in plain sight”!

In many ways, chapter 8: 1–12 reminds me of Romans 1:19–20. 

19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

“For what can be known about God is plain” so too, “What can be known about Wisdom”.

Consider what we will read, I expect much of it you might say, “I already knew that”. Yes, but do we do it!

It is why a chapter such as this one, chapter 8, is critical. We must drink it in. We must plant it deeply in our hearts. 

Consider verses 13–36. Ponder how Wisdom was possessed by the Lord. Think about how long Wisdom has existed. Notice Wisdom’s presence as God spoke the world into being. Finally, reflect on “whoever finds me, finds life and obtains favor from the Lord.” 

Perhaps the question for me today is simple, “Do I seek to hear Wisdom (v.6)?” And, “Do I take Wisdom’s instruction (v.10)?”

What might I do, what must I do, in order for Wisdom to fill me day?