David J. Collum

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Proverbs 14

Don’t just dream about, or drool over, having a great home—a great life—go and get it!

That is the dominate message out there today under such banners as:

·      You can be whatever you want, or

·      Dream about it, visualize it, and you will get it.

And, there is many a person out there today, using the name of Jesus, preaching this sort of thing.

Consider what Proverbs says today. Proverbs 14 is full of advice on how to build and maintain a house—but it is really about building and maintaining your life!

The chapter starts with this life being built by wisdom. The Message translation says, “Lady Wisdom builds a lovely life.”

Indeed, wisdom does!

The key is understanding what our “lovely life” is based upon—you might say our foundation.

In 9:1 we read that she sets up her life on seven pillars. It is natural to ask what each of the seven pillars are, yet the Scriptures do not identify them. 

Perhaps the number seven, indicating completeness, is meant to say that Wisdom has built her life on a complete set of biblical principles.

While I may not be able to identify all seven, the text tells us the first: The Fear of the Lord. 

·      26 Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress,    and for their children it will be a refuge.

·      Whoever fears the Lord walks uprightly,    but those who despise him are devious in their ways.

·      16The wise fear the Lord and shun evil,    but a fool is hotheaded and yet feels secure.

Furthermore, in 14:11 we read that a life built on the opposite of righteousness, on wickedness, will be destroyed.

And if that is not enough, consider 24:3-4:

By wisdom a house (a life) is built,    and by understanding it is established;by knowledge the rooms are filled    with all precious and pleasant riches.

It is no wonder that her life will stand firm (12:7).

Having a “lovely life”, in the Bible’s eyes, is having a life oriented toward, and in right relationship with, God.

The author of Proverbs, God, knows that folly is standing on the street corner screaming at us with temptation. 

Folly and Foolishness is offering us different pillars to build our life upon—pillars that are sinking sand.

The point is that you and I can have a lovely life only when it is a life with a right relationship with God. We may not have the material wealth, or the family life we desire—but we can have a life with God!

Jesus makes this possible.

Having a great life requires that you desire, more than anything else, a relationship with God.

We must therefore carefully apply the teachings of the Bible to our lives—intentionally and repetitively—until they have penetrated every fiber of our being—all through our relationship with Jesus.

How do you think about your life?