David J. Collum

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Like all chapters in Proverbs, there are several threads in chapter 27.

The talk and teaching around friends jump out at me.

Scripture says faithful are the wounds of a friend.

Scripture says not to forsake not only your friend, but your father’s friend.

Scripture says go to a close friend rather than a far-off brother.

Scripture says iron sharpens iron, no doubt one friend to another.

Friends, good friends, are important.

I have not done a good job over the years maintaining my friendships. And somehow, I am thinking accepting a “friend request” on Facebook is not quite the depth of relationship that Proverbs is driving for.

Scripture warns in several places over praise, and while I could read its cautions around praise as a separate thread, they also apply to friendship. “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth”—like maybe your friend. And, “…a man is tested by his praise”—am I praising myself, or my friend? (or my God?)

Elsewhere in Proverbs:

·      A friend loves at all times (17:17)

·      To choose our friends wisely (12:26 // 22:24-25)

·      And are warned of how we can damage our friendships (17:9 // 18:24)

One translation of the ninth verse of this chapter is:

·      The heartfelt counsel of a friend is sweet as perfume and incense (NLT)

It is not just Proverbs, here is just one verse from Job 6:14

·      Anyone who withholds kindness from a friend forsakes the fear of the Almighty

Consider the strength of those words. In Proverbs we see the benefits for us of our friends, but now, in Job, our behavior towards our friends impacts God’s view of us.

The Bible doesn’t merely give us abstractions about friendship. We can “see it in action”. One of the greatest friendships in the Bible is Jonathan’s friendship of David—over and against how Saul relentlessly pursued David. 

So, being a good friend is Biblical. Did you ever think about that? Friendship is critical, from the Bibles perspective, for our lives.

Now consider one last thought.

What is it that Jesus calls us…FRIENDS. We know Jesus is perfect. Jesus does not sin. Jesus, the author of the Word—lives out His Word as our friend—he will never fail us.

Do you know Jesus as friend?