David J. Collum

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Proverbs 31:1-9

Mom’s, they have a huge impact on us.

For some reading these words, the memory is painful. I’m sorry.

For others, their mothers had a profound and positive impact on their lives.

One of the experiences that has stuck with me is what people, adults, say when they are baptized. The most frequent comment, uttered out of the mouths of some of the toughest characters I have had the privilege of baptizing is, “If my mom were here today, she would be so happy.”

Mothers, and grandmothers, have a huge spiritual impact on their children and grandchildren.

So, while Proverbs hasn’t often been an explicit voice from a mother, today, as we come to the end of it, we hear from a mom.

Not just any mom, the mom of a king (the argument might be made that all moms see their sons as kings!).

King Lemuel recalls and puts to paper an oracle him “mum” taught him.

What has she taught him?

There seem to be two dimensions to these few verses. 

The first dimension is what he should be doing as king. He should be “opening his mouth for those who are mute and destitute; in other words, speaking for those who have no voice. He is to judge righteously and defend them.

The second dimension is what he should avoid. He should avoid being given over to women. He should avoid strong drink. In fact, on a percentage basis, verses 4 – 7 are devoted to caution about drinking. Four of the nine verses!

Alcohol is so prevalent in our society. As I write this, our world is caught up in the Corona virus of 2020. One of trends is increased alcohol consumption by our society—and it is being celebrated.

Yet today, we hear a mother’s voice to be very careful, lest we forget our responsibilities.

It is not a complicated message—it is however powerful and on point.

Two questions come to my mind. First, what role is alcohol playing in my life? Second, what messages and lessons have the important women of influence in my life imparted to me? 

How about you?