David J. Collum

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Proverbs 31:10-31

For this section of Scripture, we have a guest blogger—my wife!

As I read through this section of scripture, I have a variety of thoughts and feelings. Truth be told, it is not one of my favorite passages. I find the description of this woman daunting – a standard to achieve. With our modern culture we are bombarded with standards to live up to, so I don’t know that I want another one. But this is the Bible! Of all the standards to model, this should be one I earnestly consider.

As I consider this woman (who does everything) my thoughts have been drawn to my grandmother.

My grandmother was born in 1901, married in 1919, had her first child (my mother) in 1920. She was the wife of a dairy farmer. Farming is a lifestyle of work – hard work. 

As a kid, I would spend a week in the summer with my grandmother. I would be her helper. She had an organized routine. In the early morning she would do laundry, bake a pie, and prepare a hardy breakfast for the farm workers. The day continued, full of work. At the end of the day we would get ready for bed; I slept in the spare bed in her room. As she turned out the light she would say aloud, “I thank the Lord for a bed to rest my weary bones.” 

I hope you get the picture. She was kind of like this Proverbs 31 woman. 

But is Proverbs 31 all about working hard?

Look again, the woman in Proverbs 31 has qualities beyond what she does

·      Verse 25 says she has strength and dignity (ESV). 

·      Verse 26 tells us she speaks with wisdom and teaches with kindness. 

·      Verse 30 tells us she fears the Lord. 

·      Verse 20 shows us she cares for the poor and those in need. 

Again, I think of my grandmother. 

She was a Christian. She lived in a big country farmhouse and she loved to fill it up with furniture from auctions. She didn’t get all this furniture for herself. She was known in her church for seeking out newcomers. She would find someone new and insist they come for Sunday dinner. As the conversation went, she would inquire if they needed anything for their new home or apartment. Many Sunday afternoons were spent loading up this newcomer’s car with a bed, a table, chairs – whatever they needed. She had all that furniture to give it away! For me, my grandmother has given me a living example of this scripture.

But what about today? Do you have to live on a farm or be married with children? If not, can you skip this passage? 

I would hope you don’t. 

There are some qualities of this Proverbs 31 woman that I think everyone can emulate. As my translation describes her:

·       She is a woman in the marketplace. I think in our day, that would be in the workplace. 

·       She makes wise decisions. 

·       She prepares for the future. 

·       She is not lazy, nor hindered by uncertainty. 

I would encourage everyone to use these qualities to find God’s path for a life of purpose.

Here again, I am not talking only about what we “do”. 

A few years ago, I was attending a work training session and one of the senior leaders provided a session that had a similar theme. She spoke about her goal, as she managed and developed her staff, to encourage them to become better leaders than herself. 

I was amazed at her perspective. 

I saw a Christ-like attitude in this woman that was inspiring. She was not intimidated by the skills of an employee but rather wanted to provide an atmosphere where those skills could fully develop, even if they surpassed her own.

It made me think of Jesus. We will never surpass His work – He is God. 

Nor should we try. Rather, first we should allow Christ to dwell in our hearts, our very being.

His very being is one of service. 

He came to serve. He did not consider His position of equality with God something to be grasped but humbled Himself as a servant (my paraphrase of Philippians 2). 

I find bits of this in the example of the Proverbs 31 woman. She blesses her husband. She blesses her children. She blesses her household. She blesses the poor. She is described as strong, confident, wise. 

But not for herself or by her own strength—it is God in her that propels her forward. 

Yes, we (both men and women) should emulate these qualities, but first how are you doing with Jesus. Is he deeply in you? If he is, then is Proverbs 31 inspiring you?