David J. Collum

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Proverbs 1:7…the beginning

I love the Bible and enjoy the stories and narratives of people’s lives. I like to ponder the bigger meaning, synthesizing and simplifying the application to my life.

Proverbs is different.

This book of the Bible certainly lends itself to memorizing specific verses that are to be applied in life’s various situations, but I think there really is a theme—the theme is one of constant encouragement and imploring to live for God—by the very Word of/from God!

As I read, reread, and prayed about this book, one verse seemed to describe what a life that is lived for God looks like. 

By justice a king builds up the land,

    but he who exacts gifts tears it down.

While I’m not a king, I began to ask myself this question: “Am I a person who is seeking to ‘build-up’, or a person who ‘tears down’?”

As I looked at that question, then other verses came to life. Consider these few:

A righteous man knows the rights of the poor;

a wicked man does not understand such knowledge.

Scoffers set a city aflame,

but the wise turn away wrath.

22 A man of wrath stirs up strife,

and one given to anger causes much transgression.

To pursue evil and wickedness is to tear down. Behaviors of scoffing, lying, foolishness, tear down.

To pursue wisdom and righteousness builds up. Behaviors of patience, receiving reproof, being slow to speak, holding back anger, build up.

In many ways Proverbs has been showing us, at a very practical level, how to behave if we want to be men and women who build—other people, our society, our very selves—UP. 

Over and over, with repetitive bullet points, Proverbs has said to us things, that after we read them, we think, “Well, sure, I know that.”

Yet, this pursuit is futile if we start in our own strength.

The beginning of the pursuit, of righteousness and wisdom is…the fear of the Lord.

That is how we started Proverbs.

The question then is fairly straightforward…am I in awe of God…enough in awe that I will begin to learn wisdom?

What puts me in awe of God? Is it me being afraid? Or is it being in awe that God would come to earth and die the most brutal death to atone for my sins…all because he loves me…in fact loved me while I was still far away from Him.

This love of God for us…for you…accepting His love is the beginning of the beginning.

Have you begun?