Posts tagged Abram
Genesis Day 31: The Grace that is Circumcision…It’s no Joke!

Let’s play a quick game. Let’s make a list of things that we all would agree are not great for casual party conversation. Most people say religion and politics. Let’s try and be more specific.

Would you add circumcision to that list? I would. I cannot picture myself walking up to someone and saying, “Hey, don’t you think circumcision is great!” Or, “What do you think about circumcision?”

I like church sermons. Not so much the ones I preach, but the ones I hear from others. I have quite a few that are memorable. Some because they cut me to the heart. Others because they opened God’s Word for me in a way I have not seen. And a few… a few that were just downright funny. One such sermon was on circumcision…

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Genesis Day 30: God does not give up on you—even when you are as good as dead

here is this inner (spoiled) child in me that shouts, “I want it now!” How about you? Now before you tell me you are not like that; can I just point out how “two-day free shipping” has become the norm? For a quick up-charge, you can have it tomorrow!

Then there are the drive-thru lines. Are you good at waiting in them? Do you have an internal clock that at some point starts alarming because your personally established 45-second wait limit has been violated? Don’t believe me? Time yourself next trip through.

Today I want to ask you to observe that Abram’s five encounters with God cover 24 years. In each encounter God is making the same promise—and He has yet to fulfill it…

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Genesis Day 29: Sometimes you hear a plan, and you just know that nothing good can come of it

As you read Genesis 16, did you just get a sense, “This is not a good plan”? I did. I don’t care that it was 4,000 years ago. And even if you ignore the fact that God promised Abram… and Abram said he believed… and then Abram asked how he would know… and God did that “cut the animals in half thing”…

Even if you ignore all that, you just have a sense that this (sleeping with your wife’s maidservant) is not a good idea.

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Genesis day 28: My favorite verses of the Bible

Okay…straight out teaching…I just have to do it! I love these verses. First off, just yesterday I am gushing all over Abram and how he is believing God and how God is counting Abram a righteous. I went “on and on” about belief. And then we come to Abram saying, “How will I know…” Really? Isn’t this the same thing as “Help me believe”? Not quite. There is a difference.

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Genesis Day 27: The power of your belief

“Believe in yourself!” This mantra is a favorite for coaches seeking to encourage, cajole, and use whatever means they can find, to help their protégé excel.

To be sure, self-confidence goes a long way to success. Not too many people stood at the start of a race and said, “I’m going to lose”—and then actually won. I’m sure there are exceptions, but more winners began with a positive outlook.

The point: belief is powerful.

Today, I want to invite us to ponder the power of Genesis 15:6. Abram believed—God noticed. In fact, God “counted it to him as righteousness”.

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Genesis Day 26: Our motivation is tightly linked to our hoped-for reward

After you accomplish something really hard, what do you hope for?

For some it is the satisfaction of a job well done. For others it is a simple pat on the back by your boss. Perhaps it is a bonus or pay raise. Maybe a trophy. The list is long.

Why do I bring this up? Because in Genesis chapter 14, beyond all the names (which are meant to ground us in the fact that a war really happened), we see Abram not wanting an excessive reward. Why?

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Genesis Day 24: God doesn’t need you to be Wonder Woman or Superman

Nowadays, most TV and Movie superheroes have human character flaws. Not so when I was growing up. My superheroes were perfect! That had (and ridiculously continues to have) an effect on me. I have unrealistic expectations for myself—and somehow think everyone else has these expectations—not just including God—but especially God. Up until recently, writers for centuries would present heroes to be super-terrific people. They would wax over their flaws. It is why I love the Bible. It presents real people: complete, with all their warts. The people of the Bible remind me of me.

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Genesis Day 23: When God says go

“I think God is leading me to be a pastor” I informed my wife. Her response: “Funny, God hasn’t talked to me about it!”

Her next question: “So, how long has God been talking to you about this?” After a big gulp, I said, “About a year.”

Now, as an aside, here is a tip for husbands—don’t wait a year to tell your wife this kind of news.

But what do you do when you are trying to determine whether it is God’s voice, or simply those really old leftovers in the fridge that you ate last night, telling you do something crazy?

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