Posts tagged Isaac
Genesis Day 42: God Loves | Love Stories

Breakfast at Tiffany's, When Harry Met Sally, Roman Holiday…the list of romantic movies is long. When the latest romantic movie arrives at the silver-screen, are you the kind of person who can’t wait to see it, or do you run the other way? Why do I ask? Because Genesis 24 is a rather long love story. It ends with, “And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac…”

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Genesis Day 40: Our Job - Show Up & Trust God

“I don’t want to go. I have no idea why God would want me to endure such pain!” That was my plea to two good friends of mine—a husband and a wife. I was to attend a wedding of another friend. But the wounds of my divorce were fresh. The last thing I “wanted” was to witness a marriage ceremony. That is when they dropped a ton of bricks on me. They said, “Do you think we want to go and hear them play ‘Daddy’s little girl’ and watch them dance with their daughter? David, our job is to show up and support our good friend and leave the rest to God.” You see, they had laid to rest their two-year-old daughter months earlier.

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Genesis Day 38: God in the midst of a mess

That title could fit many stories in the Bible—and many stories within the grand story of humanity. We make messes—serious messes—messes where people get hurt. He is God’s man, Abraham. He is trying to follow God. His history is pretty-good. By now you know it: he is not perfect. There are some events in the past (some messes, you might say), where he really miss-stepped. A few of them are never over. That is true in our lives, isn’t it?

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